It had been nearly a decade since I'd been to Amsterdam.
And, ever since I took that trip I'd a soft spot in my heart for the Apple Pie at Winkel 43. It's often regaled as the best in the city. I even searched for their recipe to make it at home, but ended up deciding it was too much work. Better to fly to Amsterdam for another slice, yes?
Well, after my latest trip to the Dutch capital, there is a new Apple Pie champion that owns that soft spot in my heart - Cafe t'Papeneiland. See that photo above? How can anyone resist it?
Need a closer look? Allow me...
Oh, hot damn.
Literally - hot Dam!
And, if that isn't enough to get you to hightail it over to this 17th Century cafe, let me tell you that the place is cozy beyond measure. Chock-a-block with Delft antiquities, this Dutch "brown bar" embraces you the second you walk through the door.
Need a closer look? Allow me...
Now, if that isn't enough, there is also an historic tale of religious freedom and secret tunnel to go with.
But, in all honesty, the Apple Pie should be quite enough to get you to pay call. More than enough.
Wonder if I can find the recipe...Or maybe I'll just need to wing it back to Amsterdam for another slice, yes?