I did it. I got fully vaxxed. My goal: Grabbing an Amtrak down to Philadelphia to see Mama Vamp - to hug Mama Vamp.
I'm here. It is glorious. The weather is perfect. It's a perfect spring day.
I had to go to Rittenhouse Square. Flowers were in full bloom, people were milling about, and the weekend farmers' market was in full swing. I arrived at the tail end of the market day, but there were still some lovely asparagus...

An ample selection of baked goods...

Loads of olives, homemade pickles, and sauerkraut ready to go...

Eggs in several colors and categories...

And, vibrant bunches of tulips for a table centerpiece...

And, what about Mama Vamp? I hugged her. Hugged her again. Will likely hug her some more -- and then once again.
I'm not crying...

You're crying.