The menu brought a series of smiles to the lips of my dinner guests.
It was just as the birthday boy had requested: A vibrant Basque Tuna Tartare started things off nicely. The first course was followed by two glorious garlic-scented Roast Chickens served alongside Caramelized Carrots, Yukon Gold Potatoes, Spanish Onion and market-fresh Asparagus. A head of soft, sweet Roasted Garlic was passed around for good measure too, greedily slathered on chunks of crusty Baguette.
A traditional - albeit finger-licking-fabulous - meal to be sure.
But, as you can see from the menu above, for dessert I went a little wild. A little Alice Waters-meets-Big Gay Ice Cream Truck crazy. I didn't want to trot out any of my standard sweets.
After Kyle - of Sunset Park taco tour fame - had regaled me with tales of culinary wonders from his recent journey to the City of Lights, I wanted to go all out for his birthday fête.
Thankfully, the bounty at my local Greenmarket obliged. I could breathe in the heady fragrance of just-picked Sweet Basil from two feet away. Two leafy bunches were immediately purchased. By the next evening a light green, richly dense ice cream was setting-up in my freezer.
Served atop the spring's finest juicy, red strawberries, dressed in aged Balsamic vinegar and a sprinkling of black cracked pepper, I felt like my little corner of Brooklyn was holding its own against the patisserie pleasures of Paris.
Thinking a Honey Rosemary Ice Cream might be a must do this season. Same goes with a Tarragon Gelato served with Roasted Apricots.
Let me know if you have any herb-alicious ideas for me to play with this summer...It won't be like dining in Paris, but I can promise that it will still be délicieux!