This year's Passover seder included - as usual - a reading of the Haggadah, nibbles of Charoseth and Horseradish and a visit from Elijah. It also featured - as usual - a video portion of the evening, when I cued up the plagues scene from the film version of "The Ten Commandments" so we could watch Charlton Heston and Yul Brynner pose and lock horns as the Nile turns to blood and hail falls from the sky.
The meal began with - as usual - my fantabulous homemade Matzoh Ball Soup. It drew moans of pleasure - as usual - from the crowd.
Then the usual took a nose dive. A turn. It fell off the map.
The main portion of the dinner did not continue with the traditional Beef Brisket, Stewed Lamb Shanks or even a Roast Chicken or two. Instead, I was convinced to feature the real deal Jewish food of real deal New Yorkers - Chinese.
And, brought forth to the table was Peking Duck, Sauteed Snow Pea Leaves with Garlic, Vegetable Fried Rice and Duck Tongue with Sugar Snap Peas in XO Sauce.
And, it was good. (Except for the Duck Tongues. Who would have expected them to have bones?!?)
Next year, may we celebrate in Shanghai. (Oooh! Soup dumplings filled with my Matzoh Ball chicken broth!?!)
The middle one for me looks really not that good. Though the last one really is my type
Posted by: Brett Sutcliffe | April 05, 2010 at 02:41 AM