I hate Valentine's Day. Yes, I'm one of "those." But recently my bartender pal Maxwell Britten turned me around on the whole holiday.
Have I fallen in love with said mixologist?
Not quite. But, I have fallen in love with his new Valentine-themed cocktail - The Love Lane.
Named after a real-life romantically-dubbed alleyway in Brooklyn Heights, how could I resist Max's fizzy concoction of Prosecco, Harvest Syrup, House-made Brandy Poached Cherries (pictured above) and Rose Flower Water? Max recently took over bar stewardship at Jack The Horse Tavern and with the advent of The Love Lane, he has surely proven that he is an up-and-comer cocktailer, worthy of his leadership role behind the bar.
Here is a picture of the mixologist himself, holding a sparkling flute of the drink in question.
So, I may be averse to the charms of Valentine's Day, but I do hope The Love Lane stays on Jack The Horse's cocktail menu well after February 14th.
Welcome to the "We hate Valentine's Day club"! Seriously, anything with cherries is worth trying ;)
Posted by: Jenny Johnson | March 16, 2009 at 09:43 PM