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November 26, 2006



Ah, that's a great story! I know the pain of going out with others and not being sure if you should eat with them or not. Typically I just go for (sometimes I regret it though). You seem to have a pretty thorough knowledge of dining out in NYC. I'm wondering if there is a source that you go to for restaurant deals or coupons? I love eating out, but find that I always end up going to my tried and true places because I know that besides the excellent food, I can afford it. Thanks!!


Wow, too bad about all of the Viagra spam. I have a suggestion for ctb1010 above. I just had dinner at Three of Cups and the food was amazing (excellent baked clams and pizza!) The best part was how inexpensive it was thanks to a deal I found at www.diningfever.com. All you have to do is go to www.diningfever.com and follow the directions to get a coupon for %25 off your check. Our bill was only $45.00 to begin with, but after the discount we only spent %33.75 for a savings of $11.25! They list deals at lots of other restaurants as well.

The Vamp

Thanks for the comments. Just removed the spam! As for ctb1010's question, you might want to look into Diner's Deck - a series of restaurant coupons: www.cityshuffle.com

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