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May 03, 2004


Dr. Biggles

AHHAHAHHAHH WOOOOOOOOOOOOO ... yeah. Ain't cooking outside just thee best? What a treat. And the warmer it gets, the nicer it is to NOT cook inside. Your menu clearly states that it doesn't have to be a flippen Meat Festival every time you hit the great outdoors. Llallalla, it isn't January any more ...


I'm SO glad that grilling season is here...and the menu you enjoyed sounds great. I've never had Halloumi cheese...how would you describe it?

Happy BBQs everyone!

the vamp

Halloumi Cheese is very salty and - I know this won't sound tasty - but it has a rubbery texture. Once sliced and grilled, the exterior gets a lovely crunchy, golden exterior and the insides get slightly gooey. It pairs beautifully with the sweet, soft roasted peppers.


Sounds great...I'll have to see if I can find some once my new grill arrives. Stupid Amazon.com deal on the grill...was supposed to ship within 24 hours...now it won't ship for another MONTH.

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