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March 16, 2004


Queen Celeste

As one of the martini-swilling Protestants to whom Vittles Vamp refers (by birth if not current practice), I can attest to the centrality of food to church-going religion. The dearest memory of my Methodist childhood in the Carolinas is the Fat Tuesday Pancake Supper, a pancakes-and-sausage feast prepared by the church men every year for Mardi Gras. Mmmm...heaping piles of steaming flapjacks and sausage links, with maple syrup over the whole thing, all on a styrofoam plate. The mild naughtiness of eating breakfast at night. I still love maple syrup on sausage.

the vamp

"The mild naughtiness of eating breakfast at night." What a great line! I'm incredibly proud to have it featured on my site. And, QC, if you ever feel like whipping up some pancakes one evening, give me a holler.

Dr. Biggles

The Actor's Studio, ah yes. Such a treat to go see in person, too cool. My favorite so far has been the one with Robin Williams. Even Lipton was taken off charactor. Ha!
Ya know, I remember stores and restauants being closed on Sundays, even here in The S.F. Bay Area. I remember going to Montana and finding Sears closed on Sundays. Even back then it didn't bother me much. We didn't go to church, but it really almost forced you to find something to keep yourself occupied at home. It was nice. The plans you'd planned on just weren't possible, the store was closed and that was that. Go home and relax and read a book, have a nice meal and egads, talk to the family. I say, go for it, close those nasty stores for a day.


While it is true that the Catholic Church has relaxed the rules a bit, they're still pushing meatless Fridays. It caused quite a commotion a few years ago when St. Patrick's Day fell on a Friday! What? No corned beef!

Can. 1250 - All Fridays through the year and the time of Lent are penitential days and times throughout the universal Church. [Although no particular penance is prescribed by the Church (ref. Can. 1250). the old discipline of abstinence on all Fridays and of fasting on all weekdays of Lent should be maintained. If not, it must be replaced by some other form of penance.]

If you do - gasp - eat meat on a Friday you need to go meatless on another day, or some other form of pennance.

The question is: If I don't think eating fish is a form of pennance - and if prepared well, I don't! - do I need to do something else???

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