Yesterday, I attended the Urban Harvest event at the French Culinary Institute and have to say that it was a complete and utter mob scene - and most certainly not one of Slow Food's more stellar events.
The description on their Web site sounded incredible - from the Nosh Room that offered up bagels from Absolute Bagels; Columbia Bagels; Ess-a-Bagel; H&H Bagels; and Murray
I had a very similar experience there. Way too crowded. I second your notes about the pastrami and the maple candies. All those ciders are a bit of a blur now.
Posted by: Josh | October 28, 2003 at 07:54 PM
How could the ciders be anything BUT a blur with that 80 proof eau de vie from one of the wineries/orchards? Damn, that stuff was strong!
By the way, enjoyed your posting about the event too. I also did the "head to the back of the house" manuever.
Posted by: The Vamp | October 28, 2003 at 08:06 PM